OTIX offers training and professional development opportunities for all TSU students, 教职员工. 研讨会提供虚拟和面对面. Our workshops are tailored to the needs of each group and offer an engaging space to learn about policies, 过程, 和预防. 你可以在任何时候要求参加研讨会. Feel free to browse our training menu below to learn more about what we can offer to you and your team!


旁观者干预 Is A Prevention Strategy That Involves A Bystander Actively Interventing When They Witness Potentially Harmful Or Harmful Situations Occurring.

It Is Choosing To Take Action When You See Behavior That Puts Others At Risk For Violence, 受害, 或做坏事.


  1. 大声疾呼反对不当性行为的神话;
  2. Speaking Out Against Sex Discrimination, Sexual And Gender Harassment, Sexual Violence;
  3. Supporting Individuals Who Experience Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, And Sexual Violence;
  4. Intervening When Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment And Sexual Violence Is Occurring.

Any Bystander Has The Ability To Actively 帮助 Prevent Harmful Events Directed Towards Another From Occurring By Employing The Four (4) D’s Approach One Or More Of The Four (4) D’s Strategies Can Be Used When Confronted With Problematic Situations:

  1. Distract – Distract One Or More Of The People Involved With The Goal Of Interrupting The Behavior (I.e. 改变话题,分散情况);
  2. Delegate – Report The Incident To People Who Can Intervene (I.e. 呼叫保安/警察或校园官员);
  3. Direct – Directly Confront The Harasser And Emphasize That The Behavior Is Not Okay (Make Sure It Is Safe Before Using This Strategy);
  4. Delay – Follow Up With The Person Who Was Harmed And Assist Them With Getting 帮助 If Needed.

第九条 regulations require University officials responsible for responding, 调查, and adjudicating 第九条 incidents must complete annual training and publish documents verifying training. 德克萨斯南方大学官员(1.e., 第九条协调员, 调查人员, 听到警察, and Informal Resolution Facilitators) completed training that addressed items such as: 第九条 jurisdiction; Understanding sexual harassment; How to conduct investigations with impartiality and without bias; and how to conduct hearings and informal resolutions.

德克萨斯南方大学 第九条 Office has completed the following trainings:

Title IX Staff Completed Training

2023 - 2024年培训  开放

University Departments and Organizations can request personalized 第九条 trainings. To request trainings, please email requests to the 第九条办公室 at titleix@hg68333.com
